Our paper accepted by “Adsorption”



Ref: Submission ID e83d829c-2ffa-41f5-86cb-1c59da2263cc

Dear Dr Peng,

Re: “Can Carbon and Boron Nitride Nanoscrolls be Good Methane Storage Materials?”

We’re delighted to let you know that your manuscript has been accepted for publication in Adsorption.

Prior to publication, our production team will check the format of your manuscript to ensure that it conforms to the journal’s requirements. They will be in touch shortly to request any necessary changes, or to confirm that none are needed.

Checking the proofs

Once we’ve prepared your paper for publication, you will receive a proof. At this stage, for the main text, only errors that have been introduced during the production process, or those that directly compromise the scientific integrity of the paper, may be corrected.

As the corresponding (or nominated) author, you are responsible for the accuracy of all content, including spelling of names and current affiliations.

To ensure prompt publication, your proofs should be returned within two working days.

Publication policies

Acceptance of your manuscript is conditional on all authors agreeing to our publication policies at: https://www.springernature.com/gp/policies/editorial-policies

Adsorption is a transformative journal. This means it offers a hybrid publication model. When the journal accepts research for publication, the article may be published using either immediate gold open access or the subscription publishing route. For further information please visit https://www.springernature.com/gp/open-research/transformative-journals

Once again, thank you for choosing Adsorption, and we look forward to publishing your article.

Kind regards,

Submission received
23 Jul 2024
Submission is under technical check
23 Jul 2024
Submission passed technical check
25 Jul 2024
Ready for editorial assignment
25 Jul 2024
Editor assigned
27 Jul 2024
First reviewer(s) invited
27 Jul 2024
Reviewer(s) accepted
29 Jul 2024
Reviewer report(s) received
22 Aug 2024
Revision requested
23 Aug 2024
Revision received
23 Aug 2024
Submission passed technical check
24 Aug 2024
Submission accepted
28 Aug 2024
Submission is in publishing and rights
28 Aug 2024